Originally Posted by samokan
based on experience ?
lol...No, no, no. I was just being ridiculous because this topic is so ridiculous.
I think ALL women are in general attractive.
They are beautiful, logical, empathic beings that are emotionally strong and can be secure, insecure, compassionate, and downright ruthless.
Everyday I see a female (regardless of race) do something intriguing and the fact they are very empathic (basically able to put themselves into how someone else feels) shows how truly strong they are.
Mostly they are fun, light, strive for connection and a harmonious balance (as contrary as this MIGHT seem) and just want to feel safe in a world full of predators and since I'm a predator I really admire their uncanny ability to consistently outrun me.
lol Why...am I telling YOU about this though...you're one of these beautiful femme fatales