Originally Posted by delacroix01
Hello everyone! I have some questions again today.
1. How is 振り払う different from 振り切る? Are they interchangeable in some cases?
2. Just to be sure, does the 出す part in 歩き出す and 走り出す mean "to start doing something"?
1. I am having a very difficult time thinking of a case where those two would be interchangeable. I do ocasionally hear people use 「振り切る」 where they need to use 「振り払う」. I do not think I really encounter the misuse the other way around.
振り払う = to shake off a negative feeling, to shake off a person trying to grab you
振り切る = to leave behind a person chasing you, to outrun
The other meanings will be in the dictionary.
2. Yes.