Thread: Gaijin Spotting
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(#31 (permalink))
Mail747 (Offline)
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07-24-2011, 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I`m right by Nagoya - the place everyone goes through on their way to Kyoto or Osaka from Tokyo... But never get off the train in.

Up to a point, I can imagine it wouldn`t be too hard as one does notice foreigners (at least I know I do) without outright looking for them... But once it gets up into the double or triple digits, I imagine I would not remember.
I think the last time I saw that many non-Japanese was on a trip to the immigration office early last year. If I just ran into them wandering around I`d seriously wonder what was going on.
Heh, yeah. When the numbers get too big though, I quickly jot them down on paper and then reset to 0. My short term memory isn't the greatest in the world. :/

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Oh, and I forgot - I spent the day out today at the Tsushima Tennou Festival (尾張津島天王祭) and saw 6 foreigners. One guy there with a wife or girlfriend wearing a jinbei (that looked quite good on him - a rarity), another guy who looked very *English teacher*, and a group of 4 SE Asian exchange students.

That`s it - and it`s a really big festival too. But it seems like the only festival in the area that foreigners bother with is the penis one...
Wow, the festival looks good! I have yet to go to a large scale one yet...
I see, thanks for making the effort to remember that. Whether it was subconscious anyway or not, thanks
I always thought Nagoya was more popular. I'm not sure where I saw it, but I could have sworn 'Nagoya' was going around quite a lot between travelers. Maybe it was just for a transfer
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