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preach on - 07-24-2011, 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by Lakaluva View Post
Preach on! I don't have a lot of stuff, and I don't need much to survive. I have my DVD player, my Naruto collectables and a Kobe Bryant bobblehead that I keep on my night stand. It actually has a light inside so I hope to find a converter when I come to Japan. I also have some tract lighting but I would let that go before I left here.

I think small things are cute. I have often wanted to miminize my possessions and just exist as the Ghost of Gashir, but we know that's probably just a fantasy.
(im mostly referring to post on the internet in general, you tube ,etc ).I'm not saying who can and cant be in japan i'm just saying if your going to be there be more respectful of Japanese customs. I see people putting things on tatami mats that shouldn't be (nothing of ? weight. cant leave indents) or people saying there's no big market for foreign foods and goods. its japan ,there not there to cater to gaijin. we asked nicely to come to there country and live not the other way around. and the other big thing is beds... people in japan have been living with futons on the floors for years and they find it quite comfortable... not only that but its been proven to be better for your back. i actually think that a persons apartment would have more room if they didn't need a bed and big furniture. i personally am only going to need a futon when i go next fall. also if you can manage to buy your grocery items that you need daily then you'll have more room cause you wont be stocking unnecessary things. and last about the whole washer thing. i like the idea of there washers there compact and even more efficient at ringing out the water then the ones in the us. plus if you listen to the news you'll know if it rains and then you can know to hang them in your bathroom with he vent on. ta ta
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