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Muchujapan (Offline)
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true and yet not - 07-24-2011, 10:46 PM

I didn't mean for it to sound like it did. What i simply meant was I've lived in america my whole life and do enjoy so much it has to offer but japan seem sweet and im sure any country would seem sweet until you had too much but i think because of our governmental system we've let it sour like a ripe pickle.Need less to say i didn't mean for it to sound like id sell my soul to got to japan or undermine my countries values .All that i meant was that people should has a realistic expectations when vising an new country or old(if you've visited before) expect to some English speakers but that it is japan and that you should learn there language too.I just dont want people to group us all together that if i gaijin acts rude that we all will. i dont expect the Japanese to ever full accept us into there culture.
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