Originally Posted by siokan
I want further data a little more because it has gotten tired of the check on the resource. 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
I feel your pain, bro'. I'm sorry to say the only shortcut I've encountered that says "douzo" to your questions is an iPhone application called
"Japan Crisis HD Free". There are lots of apps popping out in App Store with the search word "radiation", but iThingie is required for all of those. Anybody know any emulators? Anyway, this might be a good excuse to get iHooked.
The app describes radiation poisoning symptoms in detail, and does not overdo the remedies and treatment (i.e. basically says "go see a doctor"), but by reading you get the idea that there is medicine, so all is not lost if you get some symptoms. Didn't find it mentioned in the app, but common sense says you might get the same symptoms without radiation poisoning, too...