Thanks for responses so far some useful information,as far as visa goes it wont be automatic i know but from my wife and her family in japan we dont see problem yet,and she will be in japan to get job and place to live first so hopefully we'll be in a good position.Her parents would be happy to sponsor too from what i understand lol and we will live 2 mins round corner from them which will help our childcare.This is the reason why i wasnt worried about having amzing job as it would be role reversal with wife earning higher wages potentially.The whole move is obviously risky but its a calculated one we are deffo taking.
As for teaching english i have been doing all sorts of research and have been looking at job ads which state requirements etc and there are some that require TEFL but they talk about visa etc which needs uni degree,however if i have spouse vise this wont matter too much right? My only issue with teaching english is im not confident my level of english would be sufficient to teach and i dont want to wing it,as i never studied english at college or uni.
Can an everage joe, native englishman who's hard working and reasonably intelligent pull this off without years of uni or teaching qualifications,realistically i think not but i also think its slightly possible.I have been keeping an eye on teaching jobs advertised in area wer'e moving too and they are still there 4+ weeks later lol will they ever get desperate enough in japan?
I know that preschool,kindergarten english teaching is becoming more popular at the moment also which i think would suit me better and be perhaps closer to my skill level
however does anyone have any info or light they can shed on this avenue?
Teaching english is perhaps my best option i have of finding ok,respectable and rewarding job however i feel so much negativity from my research with people saying how difficult it is and its all about degrees etc.I am only going to have 7 months give or take from november before i rejoin family in japan how likely does it sound if i was to get spouse visa,have japanese lessons,take TEFL course (either shorter of full,not decided) and generally brush uo on english grammar that all of this will enable me to survive in japan?
Just as a little extra sangetsu mentioned about not bothering with other work,as i mentioned above as long as we can survive without the need of government benefits we will be happy.In uk we don't earn enough to rent privately etc so our money is topped up with benefits so its impossible to do overtime or increased hours etc,uk rewards those who work less confusing but true.We want to live and work where all our money is our money and this was best solution....if we can pull it off.
I think im at that stage alot of people have when moving abroad,days where everythings cool and exciting and days when you think christ what am i doing? it wont work :P
Any form of feedback especially from experienced people is really welcome thanks.
Ps im sorry if this doesnt make sense i quite often have to rush and can't edit too much lol.