Originally Posted by DanteSan
Guess I left out I realize the prices are different depending on geography, that seems like common sense. I understand the idea of living cost and housing, it's most likely not much different than here. The question was are there places like that in Tokyo, answer is not likely, like living in L.A or New York. Understood. Thanks for the help? Stupid question I guess, like I just said, not much different than here. Apologies.
I wasn`t trying to be nasty toward
you specifically. It just gets to be a bit exasperating when people only look at Tokyo then gawk when it`s more than small-town-USA. This happens all the time, and I can`t even count how many times I`ve said "Don`t live in Tokyo" to people.
I figured you were talking about the whole of Japan because you compared the prices of Tokyo to the prices of Salt Lake City. If you`d been comparing NY or LA to Tokyo, or Salt Lake City to Kagoshima or Hamamatsu, I think my response would have been different. Comparing two entirely different classes of cities is like comparing apples and oranges.