Originally Posted by Maxful
Thanks, masaegu. I have a couple more questions. Am I right to say that "何をするの" is more appropriate than "どうするの" for the following sentences?
1. あなたが僕だったらどうしますか。
2. 飲み終わった牛乳の紙パックはどうしますか。
3. この洋服はどうするの?
No, 「どうするの」 would usually be more natural.
Another question is, while I was watching this dorama, the actress sees a ghost but the ghost disappear almost immediately, so she says 消えてる! Shouldn't it be 消えた?
Not really. Though 「消えた」 would not have been incorrect to use, 「消えてる」 sounds
much more appropriate and natural to the native ear. I am pretty sure that even in English, "It's gone!" would sound better than "It went away!" in that situation.
BTW, you are not thinking 消えてる as being the present progressive, are you? It is not. It is the equivalent of the English present perfect.
Suppose you are home getting ready to go out. You see it start raining outside. You tell yourself to take an umbrella with you when you go out. In 5 minutes, you are ready to go and you open the front door only to find out it is no longer raining. In this situation, we would definitely say 「止んでる」 instead of 「止んだ」. Only the former can give the nuance of "unexpectedness".