Thread: English idioms
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No.2 add insult to injury - 07-27-2011, 11:24 PM


There is a Japanese idiom equivalent to "Add insult to injury";
泣きっ面に蜂 (a bee sting to the crying face. When a child is crying, a bee flies to him and stings into his face.)

I lost my wallet at the street yesterday, and to add insult to injury, I got lost.

I lost my credit-card two weeks ago, and then to add insult to injury, a lot of expensive demand notes have arrived at me, which I don't remember.

I had a severe headache and took a pain killer, and then to add insult to injury, my stomach began to ache.

My English teacher corrected my English essay completely, and to add insult to injury, he denied my personality.

I and my wife divorced, and then to add insult to injury, my daughter's gone with her.

Hey! It seems impossible to write something happy, with this idiom!
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