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Firebird (Offline)
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07-28-2011, 11:04 AM

I definetly recommend Kichijoji Area for walking around, looking for good restaurants and small shops.
The Park (Inokashirakoen) is really nice especially during autum.
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On the weekend there is a art market in the park (i dont remember if it was Saturday or Sunday...) DSCF9221.jpg (image)

Now to the tips for this Area.

When you are walking from Kichijoji Station towards the Park you will walk along a small street. Exit Kichijoji Station not towards the Bus station and the arcade but towards the other side. You will end up on a smaller street. Go straight till you hit a big road. Cross the road and turn right. Take the first left and keep walking. You will hit the park after a while.
On this road there are alot of nice small places to eat or shop.
There is a place called König selling german style "curry sausage" and "hot wine"
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further towards the Park the is a yakitori stall. I haven´t tried it but my japanese friends said its quite famous and good.
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If you exit towards the Bus station enter the arcade. After a while there will be a bakery on your left selling german style bread to a decent price. There is also a good shop for t-shirts on the right, but i don´t remember the name...
At the end of the arcade there is a small restaurant on the other side of the street. You cannot really miss it because the front doesn´t fit with the other buildings. I don´t remember the name either but its a cozy place cooking south Japan Fusion food or something. Its right across the street, their menu is outside, they have some green plants outside and you will have to go up some stairs towars the windows with wooden frames.

Well i hope thats the kind of information you were looking for. Just be aware that i lived there during end of 2008, so some places might have closed down.

Back home after 1 year work and travel in Japan and 3 month in Korea: (text is in German, but see the pictures!)

Last edited by Firebird : 07-28-2011 at 11:10 AM.
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