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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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07-28-2011, 03:16 PM

The first part is grammatically fine, except if you wanted to match politeness levels with the commenter a little more closely, you might add a ございました after ありがとう. But it's still fine without it. People talk like that all the time in Japan.

As for the second part, it sounds like a very American thing to my ears because of エンジョイ in katakana. If you wanted to make it more Japanese and correct, try something like つぎのビデオを楽しんでください (Please enjoy my next video[s]) or something like that. 楽しむ(たのしむ)= "to enjoy."

Or perhaps "I want you to look forward to my future videos," 将来のビデオを楽しみにしてほしいです。 I'm not sure if that sounds presumptive, though. I hope someone more skilled than I can shed some light onto this.
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