Originally Posted by tokusatsufan
An unexpected comment Bobby. You didn't have a go at her for not jobbing around like an idiot!
Let me tell you guys,I was really excited about going to Japan(I mean really REALLY excited) but when I got there I did just act like it was normal. Yes I was with my mum but I really didn't want to leave when we were leaving,but I didn't act differently. You would have to,I don't know,just ignore the fact that these are Japanese people and ignore that they are being reserved and that if you are a weaboo then you will want to do what they're doing. You would have to be completely ignorant of everyone around you. It does extremely unlikely that even the weabbiest of weaboos would be kissing the ground and yelling! Are you sure that's not just being a loud obnoxious tourist?!
But people like Bobby who says their reaction WILL be like that is what makes me think differently! If he says he'll be like that, whats to say he wont? I don't know why, but I have absolutely no doubt that someone, at some time, has absolutely over-reacted when they landed in Japan for the first time, cried, kissed the floor, whatever. I'm just sure that it must have happened at some time.