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(#142 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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07-31-2011, 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Kuuzoku View Post
"The class is" is not wrong, it just depends on how you view "the class". In fact, I would lean toward "is" rather than "are" because I consider the class as a singular group rather than individual students. Anyway, have a look at this link on singular plurals:

Singular or plural for groups of people

Though there is nothing wrong with saying "silver hair," more people would tend to say "gray hair" to describe his hair color.
Personally I still prefer ARE" in the original context. Also I have silver hair being in my mid-seventies. LOL. we call ourselves Silver surfers when on line.

The old song "Silver threads among the gold is" so much more beautiful than Grey Hair among the gold.

this is a very old recording of John McCormack singing the above very popular song:

‪John McCormack Silver Threads Among The Gold‬‏ - YouTube

Darling, I am growing old, Silver threads among the gold, Shine upon my brow today, Life is fading fast away. But, my darling, you will be, will be Always young and fair to me, Yes, my darling, you will be Always young and fair to me. Chorus: Darling, I am growing old, Silver threads among the gold, Shine upon my brow today; Life is fading fast away.
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