my first real boyfriend
was a Japanese boy who was an exchange student at my high school. I was sixteen then, as was he, and I posted about him on this very forum, four years and three months ago.
Soon after that post, he returned to Japan, and we spent the next year and few months in a relationship without seeing each other.
My senior year of high school started, and we broke up. No fight, nothing. Started to talk again as my graduation ceremony came in 2009.
I was dating a guy who I first interacted with through this site then, (We knew each other in person,) but that relationship was really...not a good healthy one.
The summer I graduated, I was sexually assaulted. To a very extreme point. I called my first love up, tell him, and just pour everything out. We promise to keep close friends.
We do. I start having another serious relationship with a korean, which lasts longer than my first.
However, when the earthquake in may happened, I wanted so badly to do something for Japan, and well...the boyfriend did not like that. So...guess what happened.
After that, well, I start making my dad keep his promise of letting me come here, and call my first love. He says not to worry, I can stay with him and his family as long as I am in Japan. Cool

So I prepare to come here. We talk about dating short time while I am here...and well...
I arrive. His dad and him pick me up at Fukuoka airport. The moment I see him, my heart decides to give me a few attacks. Wish I was exaggerating. My hearts pumping, I get dizzy, and foolish as I try to find my baggage and breathe while he waits.
Its been a week and two days since. I leave in two weeks. We have gotten very very VERY close in such quick time, and we both feel like nothing has changed.
We made a promise to see each other once/twice a year no matter what happens anyways, but I am starting to feel that this, time, it can go somewhere.
So, does anyone believe in the second run?