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(#24 (permalink))
JBaymore (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 197
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: New Hampshire, USA
08-02-2011, 03:26 AM

Originally Posted by darkshadowgirl View Post
Yes this form question is a HUGE point of consternation for me. I don't know if he should check yes or check no. I don't want to give us away by checking yes, and going through unnecessary questioning and harassment. Or just checking no and hope not have any sort of background check.

I am leaning towards checking no. Because it just seems so crazy that they would check millions of American records to find one criminal offense from over 5 years ago.

IF that does happen the then can just say he forgot about it since it was so long ago and not a big deal.. cause it really wasn't

I dunnoo I just don't know...
You are therefore basically gambling on the lieklyhood of being caught if you lie about it. Playing the odds. They may be good odds.... but they are not foolproof. Is he willing to do some serious time if it goes the wrong way? My guess is that IF they catch him in the overt lie in an attempt to enter the country illegally (read the bottom of the form he'll sign) that he will likely have a lot more than a single item on his criminal record after that. I don't think "Oops I forgot" will go very far.

The odds might certainly be small......... but there is no guarantee.

Your business, your decision.


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