08-02-2011, 10:46 PM
*rant* Anyways why is it ANY of their bussiness anyways!?? I mean Ok sure I can see for major crimes... maybe.. But to be so GENERAL? I mean I have been convicted like 10+ times for speeding, once for not wearing a seat belt and once for not using my turn singnal and a couple times for running a stop sign ... (jeeze now that I think about it i have ALOT! LOL)
I mean technically this mean that YES I've been convicted of criminal offences A WHOLE lot of them!
Do I have to say yes on that check mark? I mean thats CRAZY... I have no intention of saying yes because I don't think those are criminal at all. but legally they are.
Those 'criminal offences' have no effect on me in my home country AT ALL other then I probably can't drive a truck for a living.. OTHER then that NOTHING!
SO can I go to jail for saying 'no' and having all those traffic violations?
I mean what bussiness it it of them anyways. They should be specific if they want an answer.
arrfggfgg damn it japan... why you gotta be so LAME
* end rant*