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(#157 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Japan
08-03-2011, 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
First, in response to some of Dogs corrections, I think your sentence "Two characters are standing both on left and right side" should actually be "Two characters are standing on both the left and right side." Now, what Dogs said 'both on the' is right, but personally 'on both' instead of 'both on' sounds more natural.

Secondly - to explain Dogs correction of the omission of 'not' - your sentence "I don't think this is not of Japanese origin" is quite incorrect. What we have here is called a 'double negative', which basically means that the 'do not' and 'is not' cancel each other out, meaning that you are grammatically implying that you do think they are of Japanese origin. So simply "I don't think they are of Japanese origin" is fine.

Also you ideally need 'of' before 'Japanese origin', or 'I do not think they are Japanese in origin'.

I'm not too sure what you mean by "The wear is reddish and colourful", do you mean what they are wearing? (Yes, I do.) If so then 'The clothes' or 'The costumes' may be more appropriate here. Other than that (and Dogs other comments) your writing is excellent
Thank you, RobinMask, for your suggestions.
It is so helpful.
I have to go now, so later, I'll write the wrong/correct sentences in green letters.

edit) I'm back now, and I'll write the wrong/correct sentences in green letters, like those;

"Two characters are standing both on left and right side" (wrong)
"Two characters are standing on both the left and right side." (correct)

Double negative becomes positive.
I know. It was my careless mistake. I think even natives may sometimes make such an error, especially when they speak.

The wear (wrong)
The clothes(correct)
The costume (correct)

Last edited by Supperman : 08-03-2011 at 02:49 PM.
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