Originally Posted by acjama
It would have been nicer if there had been an guiding opening or directional opinion, for the purpose of raising comments. Just a declaration that here one can discuss things is somewhat... unsecure, since the topic can take an ugly turn, such as "in my country the unspoken service that JR also provides to Japanese is done by a nearby river or by a shotgun blast, except in Oume area where there are so few trains that people decide to jump off the Hinatawada bridge instead" or something nasty like that.
Oh, look! Here's a train at Laoxi Road in Shanghai for comparison! They are totally different from Japanese trains, aren't they? This [1][2] could be useful in Japan, too!
Then don't post anything nasty
. Nway, I am just trying to create a general discussions about trains. Post anything you like as long as it does not break any forum rules and of course it needs to be about trains.