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delacroix01 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 252
Join Date: Apr 2009
08-04-2011, 11:47 AM

Hello everyone! I have a list of questions for today.

1. 学校に籍は置いてあったけど、私は通わなかったの。ず っとピアノを弾いて過ごしてたんだ
a/ By 籍は置いてあった, the speaker means that her name was registered to the school being talked about, correct?
b/ When 過ごす is added to a て-form verb, does it mean "to spend time doing something"?

2. The manga chapter I'm reading was entitled 神宮ノ誓ヒ, but what could this 誓ヒ be? Is it some sort of day?

3. 明治通りを進んでいれば246につながるからそこから南下 していれば…
Can someone tell me what つながる means in the line above?

4. I often see the word SP used in manga and anime to refer to bodyguards. Is the term the acronym of Security Police?
5. Would it be okay if I translate ついにリアルドリーマーになったか as "Has your dream finally come true"? The word リアルドリーマー here is kind of bugging me.

6. Is the symbol p here the same as the emoticon ""? Or is it different?