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OHayou (Offline)
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08-04-2011, 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by darkshadowgirl View Post
argh.... your right I guess.... it's not worth getting caught.... ffffffffffff and I can't risk spending $8K on the hope that they will let us through if we're honest.

Well I guess I'm not going to Japan...

I'll have to wait till 2014 or 2015 when he'll be eligible for expungement...

f my life.
I admire that you are going to be honest. (Though lieing and getting caught is a scary predicament as well.)

Sounds like you really wanted to go (i.e.: F my life) soo..why not go by yourself this time or take a friend (like me! hey nice to meet ya let's be friends) and then go again with him in 2014/15?

(Monetary wise: 2014/15 is pretty long away and if you have 8k now why not just spend like 3k of it (or if you're taking me I'll contribute 300 dollars) and then save some money back up for the 2014/15 trip.)

I know it's not THE plan you wanted but it's also not your fault he can't go and if the world ends in 2012...

EDIT: Also, what if .. (stay with me here) in 2014/2015 your friend/significant other/ whatever relationship this person is to you is no longer in your life (i.e. - you had a falling out, you broke up, etc) and you designed an entire trip spanning 4 years based on the possibility that his record will be expunged AND you are still in cahoots with each other....I know it's painful to even imagine but something to consider ...2014/15 is a long ways away

Last edited by OHayou : 08-04-2011 at 05:21 PM. Reason: Wanted to add horror story scenario
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