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(#19 (permalink))
japan1234567 (Offline)
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08-04-2011, 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by Sayakashi View Post
I been trying almost everything
calling family,friends in Thailand ,Take trip alone
But that made me more lonely
I know It's dangerous but
I'm thinking about suicide sometimes come in my head
I know that the worst thing
but I am trying to be strong
I have to try really hard
I am alone
I don't have feeling to make any new friends at school at all
It kindda bad
But I have to survive
I like Nagoya
But now I see everything not beautiful at all
All the world is dark and cold
I want to cry to someone
If anyone in Japan and know my story and have sometimes
You can call talk to me xxx -xxxx -xxxx softbank
I really need to listen anyone voice and cry
I don't want to cry and tell people that I know here
I don't want them to know my problem
I'm very sorry about what happend to you. But it's dangerous to put a phone number in a Forum! Take care and don't trust anyone! You are in a vulnerable and weak phase! Things could get even worse! Beware of bad people! Safety first!
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