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OzukakiBurasuki (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 66
Join Date: Jun 2009
08-04-2011, 08:31 PM

Ummm... I'm supposed to "imagine" I'm quickly asking a friend out on a date and I'm wondering if I correctly did the dialogue.

Me: 明日コーヒーを喫茶店で飲みませんか。
Friend: あの、明日ちょうと。
Me: そうですか。週末飲みませんか。
Friend: いいね。

The book said sentences can be flexible with word order, so I did not know if 明日 should go before or after ちょうと. Also, wouldn't it be better to just say 「週末ですか。」 rather than 「週末飲みませんか。」?