Originally Posted by Brass
But then again, I can't really think of a compelling reason why a woman would date me locally either.
Yeah, you're right here. If
you can't think of one then why would you expect a female to think of one! But have hope dear Brass, I hear there are dominatrix type women out there who like puppy dog type guys to dig their stilettos into. lol Just kidding around here but unless you want one of thooooose type of girls..Have some confidence and if you don't have confidence then work out, learn a language, do SOMETHING that you're passionate about that would make you confident and make a girl find you attractive. Now .. If only I could find a girl...:lets cry together:
Originally Posted by spicytuna
she asked me I could be her boyfriend if she returned with a working holiday visa. I told her No.
When I stopped responding, she flew to Toronto and called me from the airport asking me to meet her. I told her No.
One of them was a lady in Osaka who I met late last year. To my surprise, she actually proposed to me while we were at Universal Studios. I told her No.
The other is a pharmacist from Tokyo who is arriving next month to stay with me for a week. We'll see what happens.
Tell her no!!!!