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delacroix01 (Offline)
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08-06-2011, 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
1. Yes, but it is written in kana 99.99% of the time.
Now I understand why I've only been seeing it in kana so far. I'll be sure to remember this.

2. 「都外」 means "outside of Tokyo". Tokyo's official name is 「東京都」.

In Japan, there are 47 prefectures. Among them, one is called with 「都(と)」, which of course is Tokyo as we just discussed. One is called with 「道(どう)」, which is Hokkaido. Two are called with 「府(ふ)」, which are Osaka and Kyoto. The remaining 43 are all called with 「県(けん)」.

「都道府県(とどうふけん)」 is a good word to know for anyone.
Thanks again for the informative explanation, masaegu

I forgot to ask one thing in a pic I posted yesterday.
1. 食べ歩けるようにクレープを紙で巻いて売ったのはこの 店が初めてなんだぜ
In this case, 食べ歩ける is being used literally (to be able to eat while walking), right?

Now for today's questions :

What does 側 mean when it comes after a verb in its dictionary form?

a/ 参道を抜け、明治神宮へ。
In this context, does 抜ける mean "to go through"?
b/ 焦ったネコのよーにクレープを食べて!
Is 焦る the dictionary form of 焦った?

Does the line above mean "I've gotta brace myself"?