08-06-2011, 10:29 AM
This is my first ever post on this forum, hope you like it......
Name: Kage Okami (Shadow Wolf)
Type: Shade/Illusion
Release: Yoru Wotoshite Kuki, Kage Okami (Stalk Through the Night, Kage Okami)
Description: Shikai takes the form of a Wakizashi. The blade becomes wider towards the top, and cuts off diagonally (Think Benihime). The blade has a dark purple tinge to it, the hilt is black and the pommel is shaped like a snarling wolf's head.
Abilities: Kage Okami's abilities lie mainly in manipulating shadows. The first ability is called Kage No Sosa (Shadow Manipulation), the blade is stabbed into a nearby shadow and allows the user to manipulate any shadow in the vicinity (like impaling the opponent with their own shadow).
The second ability is Yamiyo (Moonless Night). The blade absorbs the negative reishi from shadows and fires them as arcing waves of energy.
The third ability is Yume No Ookami (Dream Wolves). Black, ethereal wolves emerge from the shadows and lunge at the opponent. After a few seconds, they explode in a flash of dark energy.
The last ability is a passive. The blade releases a Yume No Kiri (Dream Mist). It messes with the opponents nervous system, slowing their reflexes and making things appear warped and twisted.
Bankai: Jaakuna Yoru No Kage Okami (Unholy Night of the Shadow Wolf). The blade becomes a thin, pitch black odachi as long as the wielder. The cross guard becomes a silver wolves head that looks like the blade is coming out of the animal's mouth. A long black ribbon extends from the hilt.
Abilities: It keeps the abilities from Shikai, and gains some more.
The first is Kyōki no Saiten (Festival of Madness). The whole area becomes enveloped in a cloak of swirling colours. The swirling colours make the opponent feel sick and dizzy, and makes them see multiple copies of the wielder.
The second is Yume Sekai No Seirei (Spirits of the Dream World). An illusionary technique that makes 'dream spirits' appear out of thin air. They cut the opponent with thin blades, draining them of stamina.
The third is Yami No Bunshin (Dark Clones). This one actually makes real copies of the user. But they can only attack once, then disappear even if they miss.
The last is Akuma No Kiba (Demon Fang). The blade becomes cloaked in unholy energy, and rushes at the opponent, the blade leaves behind the energy it was cloaked with, incinerating the target.
Spirit: The blade's spirit has two forms. sometimes it appears as a large black wolf with swirling silver patterns on it's sides. And sometimes it is a teenage girl with wolf ears and a tail. The wolf form is very serious and often gives critisism, but is fiercly loyal. It always wants to end battles quickly, and gets frustrated if Bankai is activated. The female form is light and playful, and likes to tease the wielder. The spirit's form depends on the wielder's inner world. The wolf appears if the Inner Hollow is dominant, and the girl appears when the Vizard is dominant.
Last edited by Loakey : 08-07-2011 at 09:01 AM.