Originally Posted by MMM
I find this response confusing. How would the crowd affect your activities? Are you saying THE CROWD would stop you, or block you? If that is the fear, don't worry, it is never going to happen.
I can handle being in crowd and it's not affecting my activities. I'm used to it because I'm used to spend each year some weeks in Japan (mostly in Tokyo or Osaka). But each time some European friends who newly come to Japan to same period have difficutlties to be on time where we should meet for work. They always said it's because of the crowd!
So the Taxi driver bring them to the right place but they still have to walk maybe 20 meters or more to find the address (It depends till where the taxi driver can drive in a city center)! We used to meet in downtown and of course It's challenging for a newcomer to search the address while being in the way of quick walking people. It's during the day. They say they can't concentrate a lot because the crowd make them nervous! Don't worry they are healthy, just they aren't used to crowded areas in big cities.
But I think they should just focus on searching the building address and ignore the quick walking people in their direction!
My friend from Tokyo went to study in the USA and after 3 months she got panic attacks while being in the crowd there. She became sick and she broke up the study! That's really a true story and that's very sad. She dosen't have this problem in Tokyo and she has as usual some North American and European friends.