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Distortedshell (Offline)
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08-08-2011, 03:46 PM

I'm a guy and I'm not into women's fashion or anything, but out of curiosity I just googled both Mori-girl style and VK style just to have an idea what they were. From what I got from google images Mori-girl style looks cute on girls. I dig that look on girls! It's a very conventional dressing style for girls, but cute nonetheless! VK style on google images were mostly angled towards hairstyle but it looked like Goth/Punk Rock type style or such, but I am not sure if that's what it actually was. I have very little preference for both styles, but if I had to choose I'd pick Mori-girl style cause its quite adorable on girls. VK style is still cool in my book though.

Interesting look for girls though.........
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