Looking at he webpage noted above......... (
Radiation monitoring at KEK | KEK )
I beleive that I am correct that the Cs134 reading of 8.4 x 10 to the minus 10on the 44th test, which was a sample of 1673 cubic meters of air drawn over the period of 5/28 through 5-30, converts to 0.00000000084 Bq/cm3. I think that is the highest reading for any isotope listed the in all the tests on the latest info published.
The average human inhales and exhales about 11 cubic meters of air in a full 24 hour period.
So in a day that is about 11,000,000 cm3. Seems to me the math then puts the daily internal Cs134 exposure rate at that value at about 0.00924 Bq......... Yes/ No?
My understanding is that a Bq is the result of a single radiaoactive decomposition event. So 1.0 Bq is a very small amount of radiation generation.
Also from the above mentioned webpage:
"Transition of concentration of the airborne nuclide in semi-log scale since 15 March. (Bq/cm3) Current concentration level is lower by 5 orders of magnitude compared to 15 March, and is not of health concern."