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SolCon (Offline)
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Correcting this translation. - 08-09-2011, 08:35 AM

In my previous topic "Translation on card game's card", I was told to make an attempt first.

So.. not knowing any Japanese, I looked for each symbol in the picture and produced it in text form and arranged it in exactly the same manner as the picture:

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My text format:

その怪獣は、 ターソ

I'm pretty sure I've gotten them all correct, except for two particular Kanji symbols. These are circled in red in the picture. I'm hoping for 2 things:

1) Could someone tell me if the two kanji symbols are correctly matched, and if they are not, what kanji to replace them with?
2) If there are any other errors where the text does not match with the text in the picture.

Also, I got this translation from Babel Fish:

"Persuasion It persuades the monstrous beast!! Immediately The [ro] not yet one monstrous beast which revolts Hearing wholesale trade of 1 [taso] you obtain. As for that monstrous beast, [taso] It returns to the pool at the time of complex Ryo"

Which makes little sense.

If a translation can be done too, that would be great.

Any help is appreciated.
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