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(#20 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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Join Date: Mar 2008
08-09-2011, 09:29 AM

It simply isn't true that there has to be arguments about being a vegetarian.

My entire family eat meat. I do not mind this, this is their choice. If they wanted to support my views, they would be vegetarian themselves. They are not, I respect their difference of opinion, if they wanted to take that step they would have done so already, so me taking the moral high ground would make no ounce of difference, particularly when I've only been a veggie 2 weeks.

My best and closest friend has been a vegetarian all her life. It has never ever been even 1% of a problem. She accepted I ate meat, I accepted she didn't.

So no, there doesn't have to be fights. I've never even had the discussion with my best friend about being a vegetarian because she always has been and what she eats is completely none of my business. I have never ever met a normal vegetarian who has tried to preach to me or tell me what to eat.
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