Originally Posted by evanny
sorry but this is really lame example you have here. everyone knows vegetarianism is about moral implications and not physical like taste. and because of that it actually can affect long term relationships. human nature usually isn't so understanding as to have a couple sitting peacefully at the diner table year after year with totally different views on food (huge par of our lives) without having any fights/discussions.
not saying vegetarians should only date other like them, just know that at one point or another there will be a discussion about who is right among you.
I have to disagree. Whether it is a moral issue, or for some a matter of taste, I don't think it has to be an issue between a couple, nor will there always be a discussion about 'who is right'.
Marraiges, relationships, and friendships are all about compromise and acceptance. If your friend wore a headscarf for religious reasons, would you? If your wife didn't eat meat for moral reasons, would you? And - in the 'lame example' - if you didn't eat candy for its taste, would you expect other people not to either? The answer to all three (I would hope) is 'no'.
MissMisa already gave a very good and eloquent explanation, and I quite a agree with her. My best friend is a vegetarian for religious reasons, she won't even handle or touch meat, but if we eat out together and I eat meat and she doesn't then she doesn't complain or argue with me about 'who is right'. Sometimes we may have a
discussion about our choices, but we never try to claim one person is
right. We love one another and so we accept that we are different, our personal lifestyles do not affect one another's and so why argue about whose way is superior? Why risk a relationship over something so trivial?
I maintain that something like whether a person does or does not eat meat is trivial in the scheme of things, and that a person's choice in the matter should in no way influence a relationship with another. If it does I would question just how solid a relationship it was to begin with.