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OsakaBlue (Offline)
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08-09-2011, 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by Kakashi View Post
That would make you a vegan, not a vegeterian.
Actually, a vegan would mean they don't partake in just dairy products, but also eggs or processed foods containing other animal-derived ingredients such as gelatin. Vegans also do not consume honey and certain sugars and wines.

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
sorry but this is really lame example you have here. everyone knows vegetarianism is about moral implications and not physical like taste. and because of that it actually can affect long term relationships. human nature usually isn't so understanding as to have a couple sitting peacefully at the diner table year after year with totally different views on food (huge par of our lives) without having any fights/discussions.

not saying vegetarians should only date other like them, just know that at one point or another there will be a discussion about who is right among you.
Actually not everyone is a vegetarian due to 'moral implications'. My best friend is a pescatarian (eats fish and chicken) but doesn't eat other meats mainly due to the fact that she honestly just doesn't like the taste of it. Another friend of mine (who ironically has the same name as the first) is a vegetarian because she actually hates animals (and the taste of them) to the extent that she won't eat one. Has little to do with morals. My sister is a vegan and her choice is simply for the health benefits actually. She's moving to become a raw vegan, again, for health reasons. My ex was a vegetarian and I wasn't; we fought a lot but our taste or decision in what we ate never came up.
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