08-09-2011, 11:02 PM
Talked to them and I got a guy that was a little more informative then the last guy.
He can apply for a visa. But there a few catches. To apply for it he has to submit his FBI records and court records and he has to have a plane ticket booked with a return date, before he even knows if he will be approved for it or not. Without the plane ticket they won't even submit the application. So that's a possible loss of 1500$
Also, if approved, the visa is only valid for 90 days so we have to start the process late this year for a March vacation.
And a visa is NOT a guarantee of entry. It is only a recommendation for immigration. Immigration could still deny him entry at the airport for whatever reason. A visa would only give so much assurance.
Uggh.. SO there is no way to get a straight fire way in.
I'd be totally down to try for the visa at least cause it doesn't cost anything for a US citizen to apply, but booking the plane ticket ahead of time is the catch. If not approved he could loose all the money spent on a plane ticket. Which isn't cheap. :/ I wonder if there is some kind of ticket you can buy that you can return or keep as credit if you can't use it?
So ... It all comes down too, do we want to gamble a possible 1500-8000$? Applying for the visa and getting approval would give us much better odds, but it's still a gamble.
Last edited by darkshadowgirl : 08-09-2011 at 11:10 PM.