Originally Posted by SolCon
Thank you both for the replies.
To delacroix01:
The game in which this card is produced is a Japanese playstation game called "Godzilla: Trading Card Battles". Not sure if you've heard of it. It's sort of like Poke'mon. The card in question was an event card and could only be used in a particular situation. Because of the Japanese text, I could never see what this situation was and the subsequent function of the card.
I see. So it was sorta like Yu-Gi-Oh! This makes things clear then.
Here's the full translation :
説得 Persuasion (I presume this is the card's name)
怪獣を説得!!Persuade a monster!!
即時 Immediately
反逆した味方怪獣を1ターンの間抑える。you will gain control of the betrayed ally monster within 1 turn.
その怪獣は、ターン終了にプールに戻るThe monster will return to the pool when the turn ends.