08-10-2011, 05:15 PM
Ok I'll do it since it's the 2nd time you posted..small blue on blue text though!!!!
"Shadaloo - Evil Organization
Mysterious Martial Arts King who wields an evil aura at will.
He has committed many sinister deeds, but those were nothing more than
mere preparation for his next big project.
He has finally vowed to conquer the world.
His mission is already progressing steadily.
It is only a matter of time before the world falls within his grasp.
Who will crush his ambitions?
Special Moves
Psycho Crusher Attack - Immolates target with evil aura
Head Press - Leave field of vision and flutter in air
Double Knee Press - Phenomenal chain attack"
My Japan Blog (lots of pics and experiences of living in Japan..with some of Thailand too)
Latest Entry = Today's Journey (click)