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dxr (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 46
Join Date: Feb 2011
Pluses, minuses and unspoken rules of becoming an English teacher - 08-10-2011, 08:26 PM

I have been gathering info for the last year on what it actually takes to get a job teaching in Japan. I obviously have all the requirements down (degree, etc - although I have come across a few sources that say a degree is not *required*, but that's for another topic), but I am asking about any other tips that generally help or hurt when trying to land a job.

I am talking about mostly superficial characteristics, but not limited to things like nationality, tattoos, height, weight, hair color, etc.

I have even come across something that said that age counts as well. Is this true? Is there a cut-off? is it a general look of age?

Anything else you can add would be greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: I don't necessarily fall into the negative side of a lot of the traits I listed (although some would definitely apply). I am now just looking for broad info just to be completely prepared as well as maybe pass some useful tips to anyone else that might be in the same boat.
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