Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery
I don't get the city life bashing. I mean, maybe if you're older and want to settle down and raise your children, a city might not be that great. But when you're young and you want the latest in art, fashion, music, entertainment, food, and everything else, you can't get that level anywhere else. It might be dirty, cramped, and crowded, but it's lively.
It's funny because I live in a small island resort town and I can't understand why people would live in a city. I'm not bashing the city life mind you (a lot of my friends live in big cities like New York and they think us country people are "boring" or "slow in the head" heh) but I'm on the other side of the fence. To me people in cities are generally a lot ruder, there really is no nature, and the cost of living is nuts! I guess I love the island life (and yes I *Do* live in ohio lol.) I'm not posting this to say "us island people are better" because although we are...heh...i'm sure you would go nuts living here since we definitly are not the epicenter of fashion or art or lively @ 3am (though music and entertainment we *are* pretty awesome but in the winter it sucks because the island is shut down, half the people here live in Florida/Arizona during the winter, and ..it's in Ohio.)
Originally Posted by MissMisa
I really miss Osaka. Tokyo was awesome. I just miss being in Japan, I really want to go back. Gah. Don't get me wrong, I love England too, and I think some of it is a case of 'grass is greener' but y'know, I did love the short time I was there.
Osaka was awesome! I'm definitly agreeing with wanting to go back to Japan and I visited 5 cities but none of them Tokyo...like Nyororin said in one of her posts everything is compounded when you go to a major metropolis like Tokyo. To me, it's like when I see foreigners coming to New York for their first visit to see "America" and I think to myself...if you *really* want to see America ... why are you going to New York!? At first this might seem obvious as to why they would want too but with the crowds, the tourists, the overpriced ..everything...it seemed more of a programmed type of trip that 'everyone does so you should also'.
In reality...I suppose I just am not really a big city kinda guy lol