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tazzy (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 90
Join Date: Jan 2011
Responding to compliments - 08-11-2011, 02:23 PM

So, I keep getting a lot of compliments here in Japan. In particular kids seem to always say I'm cool...despite them not knowing me and me never having had a chance to show how cool or uncool I may be. I guess they're taking a stab with one of the few English words they know?
My friend works at a high school and when I went to pick him up from work today I even got a couple of kawaii des nes aimed my way when a gaggle of girls came over to talk to me. Which was odd. Maybe I'm good looking to some (drunk?) girls but most certainly not in a 'cute' sort of way! (especially end the end of a hard day at work when I hadn't shaved on the morning...)

So yeah.
I recall reading the Japanese throw around compliments like nobody's business and the done thing is just to say 'no no not at all!' or the like.
I tried that earlier today though when a girl (university age this time luckily!) commented that I was cool. I got some pretty odd looks from my Japanese colleagues for this though and set the girl and her friend laughing.

Last edited by tazzy : 08-11-2011 at 02:26 PM.
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