Originally Posted by KurumuHatake
I say, "私「わたし」の猫「ねこ」がどこにいますか?" (Where is my cat?)
But is this proper? Should が come after に?
I am surprised that no one has corrected this yet, but you
NEVER use 「が」in asking "Where is ~~?". Do use「は」.
3) can 何「なん or なに」 be used by it's self. You know, just as "What?" or do I have to add か at the end?
I thought I heard it one time when I was watching an anime with English subtitles. I've been curious ever since.
When used by itself, the pronunciation is always 「なに」.
「なにか?」 means "Do you want to say something?", "Is something wrong?", etc.
The word is written 「どうも」 even though it is pronounced like 「どおも」.