Originally Posted by KurumuHatake
Hello, And thank you for looking.
I was watching something the other day in Japanese with English subtitles. And I thought I heard someone say the persons name and then hello. Does the name always come before, "ありがとう", "こんにちわ", or "すみません", or can it be said either way?
(if you use kanji in your post could you please also past the Hiragana or Katakana equivalent?)
Excellent question!
Yes, the natural order is "name/title + greeting". Beginning Japanese-learners almost always go the wrong way. Well, I should not say "wrong" because the opposite way is not necessarily incorrect. It is just not the most natural-sounding order to our native ears.
わ > こんにち
I want to comment on your use of どうもありがとう. I just explained it in another thread 10 minutes ago so I am just copying it.
"We say this ONLY after the service has been rendered, not before as in European languages. You can say 「よろしくお願(ねが)いします。」."