Originally Posted by Nyororin
I`m happy to talk online with anyone who wants...
The girl who screwed us over seemed really serious... before she got here and for the first week or so. After that she seemed to think that by sitting around in her room, playing video games, and randomly flipping through our manga that she would somehow magically become fluent. I guess she believed Japan was some magical paradise where you never had to put forth any sort of effort to accomplish anything. When I forced her to go out and attend some free Japanese classes, she freaked out and started blaming me for ruining her trip to Japan and destroying her dream, etc etc.
It really sucked. Yes, real life does continue even when you`re in a different country.
And I guess I forgot to mention, I`m female. :P
wow that sucked even for her man.. im def interested on what you have to say because im planning on the move in 2013 i just hope your still around ^^