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masaegu (Offline)
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08-15-2011, 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by OzukakiBurasuki View Post
Yeah, the book made me slightly addicted to using が for いる/ある while not explaining yet why it switches between が / は. I suppose が would be for certain cases or the addition of another topic?
I spent a few hours discussing 「は」 and 「が」 in the following thread last week. You might either find it informative or get even more terribly confused. Give yourself a few years because those are the two hardest words to use correctly in the entire Japanese language.

I saw somewhere that 「私は日本人の男の人女の人山に行きました。」 worled fine. Would that be just as good as といっしょに?
It is correct but using 「といっしょに」 would sound better because you already have used the particle 「と」 for a different meaning just before the second 「と」. Not using the same particle multiple times near each other is more reader/listener-friendly.

I haven't learned compound sentences yet, so I don't understand what you mean.
In that case, please disregard.

「私は水曜日にたくさんお酒を飲み、それからビ デオを見ました。」 was what I was referring to.

I'm assuming since 今晩 is the topic, that is the reason why it is common?
Exactly. This is what I call the comparative 「は」.

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