Originally Posted by godwine
I must apologize, being the thread starter, I didn't read through every single comments in detail before posting this reply.
Anyways, on the note of racism, was the denial of service as described by James, a real case of racism? Or simply a safety measure due to the language barrier and the lack of understanding of the Caucasian culture?
I mean, putting yourself in their shoes, what kind of risk are they subject to when they provide service to someone they don't understand, both language-wise and backgroud-wise?
A risk of gaijin parties, loud music, multiple sex partners frequenting the premises, late night visitors, strange smells seeping through the door, inability to explain financial details, things like that
Those are my assumptions, slightly based on hearsay.
I can agree with Nyororin that the majority of things which come off as racist are certainly not due to outright intentional acts of racism or xenophobia, but a surprising (surprising to a Canadian that is) amount of them are.
Also, in most of the world, racism isn't done intentionally and spitefully but rather out of ignorance, that doesn't make it any less racist though