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Reed (Offline)
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Would a literal translation of this lyric work? - 08-15-2011, 03:23 PM

Hey all. I've decided to get a favorite song lyric tattooed on my arm. I decided it would be cool to get the tattoo in Japanese in part to honor my heritage but also because I just think it would look cooler. But I don't actually speak the language myself so I don't know whether the meaning of the lyric would be lost in translation. The lyric is "If you like learning, life is large" but I'm concerned that would make no sense if translated word for word. My fear is that it would come across grammatically to an actual speaker of the language as "If you enjoy have fun in school life can embody great mass" or something hopelessly bastardized.

So basically I am wondering how close can you get to the original lyric and still have it make sense?
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