Originally Posted by GoNative
I just have to say that I hate this sort of argument. As though by pointing out there is bad elsewhere that somehow legitimises or excuses bad stuff occurring somewhere else. I mean in China you can be jailed for having opinions that the government doesn't agree with. Does that mean that it would be ok if something similar happened in Japan? No of course not.
From time to time there are incidents in Australia that are racially motivated. Does that mean that no Australian can ever be critical of racism outside of their country? No of course not.
As far as I'm concerned things like racism are universal. Every country has it. Most countries at least in legislation have laws to protect people from it. One issue I've always had with Japan is that there is very little legislative protection against discrimination and racism for non-Japanese residents and citizens.
The UN has expressed concerns over this numerous times. This from wiki
Lack of legislation allows discrimination to continue and actually somewhat legitimises it.
Well, i wasn't justifying it, and again, I don't consider it a Racist remark, just generalize.. you are not wrong, just because something happen in another country doesn't mean that it should elsewhere.. .and i am not saying that its right to not rent an apartment to a foreigner, just that I understand why....
We are getting way off topic.......