Thread: Radiation
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(#52 (permalink))
ngmunling (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 31
Join Date: Aug 2011
08-15-2011, 08:36 PM

Originally Posted by acjama View Post
I did read the whole post with a thought, but I still wouldn't go that road. One might have "who cares, let's enjoy life!" attitude now, but in ten years one might have a family and kids. For most people, life still continues after several years. Hell, I've already had four of those "ten years later..." thingies. I have no interest in dying of cancer, and the risk of radiation related cancer kind of grows substantially when living near a nuclear accident site and having a government who has new clothes.
Sure, you can get hit by a truck next week. Especially true for people who continue to walk in the middle of the road despite seeing headlights.
Yes, that's what I am trying to say. We have no proof of other food & beverages are contaminated or not. Japan is so big, the government personnel checking the food are in a shortage of personel (which in turn cannot literally check every single food)

I am saying this because in fact the govt. agrees they are lacking of personel. Another point is radiation settles unevenly. Food grown in huge fields can be contamined in one corner and not the remaining area.

When random pick, you pick the non-contaminated and scanned with results of no contamination and you accept that the entire field is not contaminated which in fact, a corner of it is contamined and it goes to the market.

Of course no one wants to die painfully. I am not saying there are no possibilities that other factors can shorten a life. The radiation danger now is not natural background radiation but man-made radiation, onw that unlike the natural, can accumulate in your body. The more you eat contamined food unknowingly, the more Bq you have, the shorter the painful day arrives.

What I want to know is why confident that Western and Southern Japan does not have contamination? Why rice test is not tested in all prefectures? (unless rice are not grown in all prefectures, correct me on this)

Locally grown veges and fruits? Soil leaves contamination was found only after it was out on sale. Yes, people had return, yes govt. recall. How about those who do not even know or simply don't care?
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