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Nyororin (Offline)
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08-17-2011, 11:15 AM

I do not have any experience with the company, so cannot comment on their policies...
However, I will give my opinion (which doesn`t mean all that much, but may be better than nothing!)

As far as I know, the drug doesn`t linger in your system for THAT long.

But let us say that they DO test you in the very beginning. If you have been using the drug legally, you should have proof of this ready and on hand to present to them. There are a number of drugs that can come up on a test that have legal uses - they are worried about illegal drug use, and illegal drug use while you are in Japan and working for them.

Present proof that you were legally using the drug, and then ask for a retest after a month to show that you have not used the drug illegally, and that you are not using the drug at all in Japan. It isn`t the fact that you have used a drug, legal or illegal, in the past that they will be concerned about. It will be whether you are doing anything illegal that could reflect badly on them while you are working for them.

I believe that these drug tests have a lot to do with some major scandals involving English teachers in Japan being arrested buying illegal drugs... And the following backlash toward the schools who were legally responsible for them while they were in Japan. If you are not using anything illegally and have no plans to do anything illegal while in Japan - you should be in the clear.

Just out of curiosity though - you say you are going to stop use. How do you plan on dealing with the symptoms that got you a prescription to begin with?

ETA; In mod mode here - your other thread was indeed similar enough to this one to be removed. You are very unlikely to get different people viewing your posts based upon section. This board isn`t that massively large that a poll would make sense.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.

Last edited by Nyororin : 08-17-2011 at 11:18 AM.
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