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KyleGoetz (Offline)
Attorney at Flaw
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08-17-2011, 03:48 PM

It looks like you have everything set on maximum coldness. "Temperature is on the right. Top dial is the refrigerator and, from left to right, it says "weak," "medium," "strong." Bottom dial is freezer, and same labels.

Middle dial is set to "freeze." Clockwise, it says (partial) (weak, medium, strong), freeze, cold storage/veggies (I think in the US we call this a "crisper"), chilled. I don't know what this is for. "Conversion compartment"? Google images suggests it's some sort of sliding drawers, but I don't know this vocabulary. My guess is that this dial controls the setting of a drawer/compartment that can serve many different purposes and is intended to fill in the gap in functionality between just "cool" refrigerator and "fully cold" freezer.

Top left above the LCD is "notification"
Below that is fast freeze
below that is suspend ice making

My guess is the LCD is giving you an error code right now. It looks like "H27" to me, which doesn't mean anything. Must be an error code.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 08-17-2011 at 03:51 PM.
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