I'm back again.

I have some more sentences, but I need some understanding on these for now. Sorry if I go comma-crazy, but the book is doing do, too.
There are lots of foreign teachers in my college.
「たくさん外国の先生が私の大学にいます。」 (Does 外国の先生 fit for foreign teachers, or is that wrong?)
The college is to the left of the bank.
「大学は銀行の左です。」 (just need this one checked :P)
Go out the east exit and go to the right, please.
「東口を出て、右へ行ってください。」 (へ could be interchanged with に, right, since both are considered "goals of movement"? Or does へ sound better?)
The restaurant is near the south exit.
「レストランは南口のそばです。」 (Does this sound right?)
I ate pizza and drank wine at the restaurant.
「私はピザを食べて、お酒を飲みました。」 (Where would レストランで be placed in this? after 私は I am assuming?)
I waited for twenty minutes at the north exit.
「私は北口で二十分間待ちました。」 (Since it is the duration of twenty minutes, 廿分間 is okay?)